Is it because we are so bored with the monotony of our own lives that we want to spice it up a little? Maybe we want the rush of almost missing out on something. Like a minuscule version of almost getting hit by a car? You only JUST slip out in the nic of time!
In a sense feeling like... we may have almost lost out big time but... LOOK! WE DIDN'T! HOW GOOD ARE WE!!??
Like an unnecessary ego boost... where we could have just done the assignment at a reasonable hour, then moved on to better more productive things. Which overall, would have most likely been more of a confidence boost. This therefore strikes closely to the fact that the human race is becoming more and more lazy and finding themselves occupied and entertained by such small rushes of adrenaline.
I think it's a bit of both... I know that I have been sitting here, since the late hours of the afternoon trying to do an assignment that is seemingly easy, however I let my mind go off track with petty things like 'snack time' or 'facebook chats'... or the -not so petty- distractions such as Radiohead and Bjork...

When will the procrastination stop? I could have had this done within a couple of hours but look, it's 11:40 and the assignment is due in 20 minutes. I just kept putting it off and putting it off until the last hour when I knew that I either had to face the facts that it wasn't going to do itself or admit failure.
Coming from the Pickett family, it is impossible to admit failure.
Thus, my quick little fingers typed and typed until they couldn't type no more and BOOM assignment done! All in a matter of minutes.
I personally despise procrastination, however still seem to be a subject to its evil claws every single time!
This is very deep analysis over an assignment that is worth comparatively nothing to my overall grade, but maybe that's just because I've had no sleep... or maybe it's because I know, for a fact, that even with the bigger ones I will still find a way to be occupied up until crunch time. Is it my inability to learn from my mistakes or the fact that I enjoy life's little rushes?
I guess I'll never really know for sure, but it's probably a bit of both.
-Cowgirl In The Sand
This is like perfect!
ReplyDeleteI love it, you wrote with such ease and everything was so so true.
procrasting right now as I read through this. haha
your amazing. ♥