Ignited by a flame that rests within
I was woken by a suggested sense of drama
To write about the power of the world
An unforeseen unforsaken tireless act of drama
Would hold you to the things that you believe
Hold you to the promise you must keep
Hold you to the whispers in your sleep
Achieve achieve don't run away in fear
Don't run away because it's all unclear
I see the flame fill you
And boil up within you
Bubbling until it's reached its brim
Filling filling filling
Then spilling spilling spilling
Over the edges and down the sides
Your heart exposed again
You let them in
I cannot sleep until it all falls out
All of the ideas they come through
What once was serepate United whole
United now within a common goal
Play and play and play
And still you are okay
And still you are the one making history
I indulge in thoughts of freedom, a life that's on the edge
A life that has a reason, follow the reason
The winter rain it strikes again
It pulls us in
To its vortex
I have a picture of you
Moving mountains
and I'll take a note
Inspired by wild forces
To rhyme with you one or two times
Ride the wave just on in
Jung on in the water is great
I was woken by the global meditation to write a song about embracing change
Don't be Afraid
Fear is an Indiana illusion
Fear will lock you in and hold you back
It's unhelpful
Fear is an Indiana illusion
Indiana inspiration
Woken by a desperation
An attitude brought out in me that wasn't me and wasn't you
Life is big but does it all makes sense.
The universe is called?
Half asleep.
I am ready, I am ready for you