The night begins without so much as a pop, let alone a bang, with three-piece support act
Tiger Choir all the way from Tasmania. Lead singer Elliot Taylor’s uses various programmed loops and effects sound more like a wall of random noises, mixing together as good as water does with oil, than a textural benefit. Their stone composures and lack of interaction with each other quickly leads the audience to lose all interest, even though Taylor tries desperately to grab their attention with vocal dubbing and looping techniques. The imprecise intonation and pitch of each harmony leaves the song sounding awkward and messy. Drummer Sam Nicholson has a smooth, rhythmic style when playing his kit, however his inability to play in the pocket adds to the untidiness of their entire performance.
Toy Balloon’s catchy melodies and creative song structures are like a breathe of fresh air after being subjected to asphyxiation. As lead singer Greg Cooper introduces the first song You’re Feeling Trapped, a gorgeous wave of bubbles flow onto the stage, reflecting not only the colourful flickering lights of their cleverly chosen onstage props, but also the seamlessly flawless manner of this well rehearsed band. A whirlwind of excitement erupts as guitarist Nimai Etheridge returns to the stage without a guitar, but instead a saxophone, breaking out in a jazzy solo. From their amazing sounding programmed loops to their layered percussion and clapping sections, this stylish Brisbane band delivers a cosmic display of professionalism and talent. The energy of pixie like Chloe Cooper, as she jumps and bops around centre stage, has the audience not only dancing with her, but also prodding and wedging to get closer to the stage.
- Cowgirl in the Sand